Master Program in Molecular Biotechnology - Study plan
Study plan for the cohort starting in a.y. 2024/2025
Study plan for the cohort starting in a.y. 2018/19
1st Year
1st Semester
Physiology and Biochemistry
- Phisiology (5 credits)
- Biochemistry (5 credits)
Computational genomics and Gene Networks
- Computational genomics and epigenomics (5 credits)
- Interactions and Gene Networks (5 credits)
In vivo diagnostics
- In vivo diagnosics: PET/SPECT/CT (5 credits)
- In vivo diagnostics: MRI/OI/US/PAI (6 credits)
Drug Discovery: basic principles (5 credits)
upramolecular chemistry and Spectroscopic methods
- Supramolecular and Bioinorganic Chemistry (3 credits)
- Spectroscopy of biomolecules (5 credits)
1st Year
2nd Semester
Data analysis(6 credits)
Thesis I (5 credits)
Stage I (6 credits)
2nd Year
Study Plan 2nd Year (pdf)
1st Semester
Advanced materials and methods for health sciences
- Mass Spectrometry (5 credits)
- Nanomaterials (5 credits)
Advanced Drug Discovery (5 credits)
Immuno-based assays for translational medicine (7 credits)
2nd Year
2nd Semester
Biotech Company Management (4 credits)
In vitro diagnostics: proteomics, interactomics and metabolomics (5 credits)
Stage II (6 credits)
Thesis II (14 credits)
Freely chosen courses (8 credits)
- Pathology
- Image Analysis for Biotechnologists
- Metals in medicine
- Scientific Communication
1st Year
Study Plan1st Year (pdf)1st Semester
Phisiology (5 credits)
Functional Genomics
- Molecular Dynamics of Cellular Processes (5 credits)
- The Genetic Basis of Cancer (3 credits)
Genomics and Epigenomics
- Computational Genomics and Epigenomics (5 credits)
- Genomics and Epigenomics of Gene Regulation (5 credits)
Interactions and gene networks (5 credits)
1st Year
2nd Semester
Biology of Regeneration and Development
- Stem cell biology (5 credits)
- Innovative experimental models in developmental biology and pathology (5 credits)
Molecular Immunology (5 credits)
In vitro diagnostics: molecular profiling of proliferative processes (5 credits)
Thesis I (5 credits)
Stage I (6 credits)
2nd Year
Study Plan 2nd Year (pdf)
1st Semester
Chemistry for Health Sciences
- Supramolecular and Bioinorganic Chemistry (3 credits)
- Nanomaterials (5 credits)
- Mass Spectrometry(5 credits)
Therapeutic Biotechnology
- The molecular basis of neurological therapies (3 credits)
- The molecular basis of nephrologic therapies (5 credits)
Pharmacology and Drug Therapies
- Pharmacological Biotechnology (3 credits)
- Drug Discovery: basic principles (5 credits)
2nd Year
2nd Semester
Biotech Company Management (4 credits)
Stage II (6 credits)
Thesis II (14 credits)
Freely chosen courses (8 credits)
- Pathologic basis of disease
- Image Analysis for Biotechnologists
- Metals in medicine
- Scientific Communication
- In vivo Imaging of Cancer Therapy
Study plan for the cohort starting in a.y. 2017/18
1st Year
1st Semester
Physiology and Biochemistry
- Phisiology (5 credits)
- Biochemistry (5 credits)
Computational genomics and Gene Networks
- Computational genomics and epigenomics (5 credits)
- Interactions and Gene Networks (5 credits)
In vivo diagnostics
- In vivo diagnosics: PET/SPECT/CT (5 credits)
- In vivo diagnostics: MRI/OI/US/PAI (6 credits)
Drug Discovery: basic principles (5 credits)
1st Year
2nd Semester
Data analysis(6 credits)
Supramolecular chemistry and Spectroscopic methods
- Supramolecular and Bioinorganic Chemistry (3 credits)
- Spectroscopy of biomolecules (5 credits)
Thesis I (5 credits)
Stage I (6 credits)
2nd Year
1st Semester
Advanced materials and methods for health sciences
- Mass Spectrometry (5 credits)
- Nanomaterials (5 credits)
Advanced Drug Discovery (5 credits)
In vitro diagnostics: proteomics, interactomics and metabolomics (5 credits)
Immuno-based assays for translational medicine (7 credits)
2nd Year
2nd Semester
Biotech Company Management (4 credits)
Stage II (6 credits)
Thesis II (14 credits)
Freely chosen courses (8 credits)
- Pathology
- Image Analysis for Biotechnologists
- Metals in medicine
- Scientific Communication
1st Year
1st Semester
Phisiology (5 credits)
Functional Genomics
- Molecular Dynamics of Cellular Processes (5 credits)
- The Genetic Basis of Cancer (3 credits)
Genomics and Epigenomics
- Computational Genomics and Epigenomics (5 credits)
- Genomics and Epigenomics of Gene Regulation (5 credits)
Interactions and gene networks (5 credits)
1st Year
2nd Semester
Biology of Regeneration and Development
- Stem cell biology (5 credits)
- Innovative experimental models in developmental biology and pathology (5 credits)
Molecular Immunology (5 credits)
In vitro diagnostics: molecular profiling of proliferative processes (5 credits)
Thesis I (5 credits)
Stage I (6 credits)
2nd Year
1st Semester
Chemistry for Health Sciences
- Supramolecular and Bioinorganic Chemistry (3 credits)
- Nanomaterials (5 credits)
- Mass Spectrometry(5 credits)
Therapeutic Biotechnology
- The molecular basis of neurological therapies (3 credits)
- The molecular basis of nephrologic therapies (5 credits)
Pharmacology and Drug Therapies
- Pharmacological Biotechnology (3 credits)
- Drug Discovery: basic principles (5 credits)
2nd Year
2nd Semester
Biotech Company Management (4 credits)
Stage II (6 credits)
Thesis II (14 credits)
Freely chosen courses (8 credits)
- Pathology
- Image Analysis for Biotechnologists
- Metals in medicine
- Scientific Communication
Study plan for the cohort started in a.y. 2016/17
Study plan (pdf)
1st Semester
Genomics and Epigenomic:
- Computational Genomics and Epigenomics (5 credits)
- Genomics and Epigenomics of Gene Regulation (5 credits)
Functional Genomics:
- Molecular dynamics of cellular processes (5 credits)
- Supramolecular Chemistry (3 credits)
- The genetic basis of cancer (3 credits)
Interactions and gene networks (5 credits)
1st Year
2nd Semester
Molecular Immunology (5 credits)
Biology of Regeneration and Development
- Biotechnology of development (5 credits)
- Stem cell biology (5 credits)
Molecular profiling of proliferative processes (5 credits)
Management of biotech companies (6 credits)
2nd Year
1st Semester
- Analytical Chemistry (5 credits)
- Physical Chemistry (5 credits)
Phisiology (5 credits)
Therapeutic Biotechnology
- Molecular Therapy in Neurology (2 credits)
- Molecular Therapy in Nephrology (5 credits)
Pharmacology and Drug Therapies
- Pharmacological Biotechonology (3 credits)
- Methods of drug discovery (4 credits)
Stages (12 credits)
Freely chosen courses
- Elementi di Biotecnologie Vegetali e Microbiche
- Fisiologia e Biologia Sintetica delle Piante
- Patologia e Genetica Medica
- Tecnologie Biochimiche Molecolari e Cellulari
- Fisiopatologia Medica
- Proteomica, Metabolomica ed Interattomica
- Metodi di Analisi Strutturale
- Modelli Genetici di Patologie Umane
- Il metabolismo del cancro
- Chimica Farmaceutica Molecolare
- Introduzione all'Imaging Molecolare
- Metodi di Biologia Computazionale
- Principi di Redazione del Business Plan
- Biologia della riproduzione umana e fecondazione in vitro
- Tecniche di microscopia applicata e fisiologia
- Scientific Communication
Study plan (pdf)
1st Year
1st Semester
Physiology - Biochemistry
- Biochemistry (5 credits)
- Phisiology (5 credits)
Computational Genomics and Epigenomics (7 credits)
Functional Genomics
- Molecular dynamics of cellular processes (5 credits)
- Supramolecular Chemistry (3 credits)
- The genetic basis of cancer (3 credits)
Interactions and gene networks (5 credits)
1st Year
2nd Semester
Molecular Immunology (5 credits)
Molecular therapy in nephrology (5 credits)
Molecular profiling of proliferative processes (5 credits)
Management of biotech companies (6 credits)
2nd Year
1st Semester
- Analytical Chemistry (5 credits)
- Physical Chemistry (5 credits)
Image and Signal Analysis (10 credits)
Molecular Imaging Techniques
- MRI/NMR (3 credits)
- Ultrasound Imaging (5 credits)
2nd Year
2nd Semester
Molecular Imaging Techniques
- Imaging: Optical/PET/SPECT - X RAY (5 credits)
Stage (12 credits)
Freely chosen courses
- Elementi di Biotecnologie Vegetali e Microbiche
- Fisiologia e Biologia Sintetica delle Piante
- Patologia e Genetica Medica
- Tecnologie Biochimiche Molecolari e Cellulari
- Fisiopatologia Medica
- Proteomica, Metabolomica ed Interattomica
- Metodi di Analisi Strutturale
- Modelli Genetici di Patologie Umane
- Il metabolismo del cancro
- Chimica Farmaceutica Molecolare
- Introduzione all'Imaging Molecolare
- Metodi di Biologia Computazionale
- Principi di Redazione del Business Plan
- Biologia della riproduzione umana e fecondazione in vitro
- Tecniche di microscopia applicata e fisiologia
- Scientific Communication