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Classrooms & Laboratories

Classrooms are located at the Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC) - Via Nizza 52, Torino

  • "Darwin" – (227 seats)
  • "Galileo" – (214 seats
  • "Keplero" – (227 seats)
  • "Aristotele" – (106 seat)
  • "Leonardo" – (106 seats)
  • "Copernico" – (99 seats)
  • "Eraclito" – (64 seats)
  • "Mendel" – (64 seats)
  • "Timina" - (27 seats)
  • "Adenina" – (25 seats)

Each room is provided with a computer, a projector and a projector screen.

All rooms are accessible for disabled people.

Computer rooms are located at the Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC) - Via Nizza 52, Torino

  • "Turing" - n. 20 workstations
  • "Von Neumann" - n. 30 workstations

All rooms are accessible for disabled people. 

Research laboratories are located at the Molecular Biotechnology Center or in other Research Institutes in Torino or close to Torino.

Last update: 07/04/2022 10:25
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