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Students' opinion

As part of the Quality Assurance process, the Master Degree in Molecular Biotechnolpogy is committed to collect from students the opinion on teaching. Results are analysed and discussed within the Monitoring and Reassessment Committee. Corrective actions are identified in case of critical reports. The aim is to ensure continuous improvement in teaching.

Students enrolled in the degree course are required to complete the questionnaire regarding the quality of teaching of the attended semester (Edumeter). The evaluation is anonymous and mandatory. Requirement is checked at the time of the exam registration, allowing the student to sign up only when the questionnaire regarding the quality of teaching has been fulfilled.

Questions concern: degree course organization, facilities, teaching, interest.

Students also have to evaluate the exams. Questions concern: satisfaction on the exam procedures; adequacy of the didactic material made available by lecturers; consistency of ECTS with actual study workload.

Last update: 21/11/2023 14:18
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