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Students have to prepare an experimental thesis by working in a laboratory. The credits obtained by the preparation of the thesis are recognized as

  • Thesis I (5 ECTS, 1 st year)
  • Thesis II (14 ECTS, 2 nd year)

Each credit (ECTS) is worth 25 hours of laboratory activity.
Preparation of the experimental thesis can be done in laboratories belonging to University Departments or to public/private institutions that have an agreement with the University of Torino.
The thesis can be prepared by working in the same laboratory where the student does the internships, or in a different one.

Here you will find a list of available laboratories

Before starting Thesis I and Thesis II students must complete the following administrative procedure, as reported below:

  1. Inform the Job Placement office ( about your thesis period.
    In case you decide to do your thesis in an external company/institution, your supervisor has to fill out and sign the form (Authorization request for external thesis research activities) published at the link and send it to Job Placement office ( before starting thesis research work.
    At the end of each year, send a declaration signed by the supervisor attesting the laboratory attendance for the preparation of the thesis, at
  2. Enter in your MyUnito and register to the session exam denominated Thesis I or Thesis II for CFUs formal approval.

Write your thesis as a scientific article.

Organize the content of your manuscript as follows:

  • Title Page
  • Abstract (max 250 words)
  • Introduction (max 1500 words)
  • Materials and Methods (max 2000 words)
  • Results (max 2500 words)
  • Discussion (max 2000 words)
  • Acknowledgments
  • References (max 40)
  • Tables
  • Figure Legends
  • Figures

Frontespizio e informazioni per la stampa della tesi.

The student is expected to contact the potential thesis supervisor in order to discuss her/his availability and to agree on a topic for the thesis.
According to art. 8 of Didactic Regulation, thesis supervisor must belong to the Molecular Biotechnology Board or to the Biotecnologie Board, or to the Biotecnologie Mediche Board or to the Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences.
It is possible to have a second supervisor or a co-supervisor external to the Board.
Additional thesis advisors involved in the preparation of the thesis or advisors failing the above conditions can only act as co-supervisors.
Note that only the thesis supervisor is formally required for the submission of the thesis, additional advisors being optional.

The final thesis presentation includes a 10 min. oral presentation and 5 min. discussion.
The final assessment is expressed with a grade out of one hundred and ten.
The exam is considered passed with a minimum grade of 66/110 and a maximum grade of 110/110. The score is calculated by transforming the average grades of the exams, which are expressed with a grade out of thirty, into a grade out of one hundred and ten, and by adding the score obtained by the thesis defense (minimum: 0; maximum: 7).
The average grades of the exams is calculated on a weighted mean.
Summa cum laudemay be attribuited by the Board by unanimous decision when the score is ≥ 111/110 or is 110/110 and the student has passed at least one exam with “30 cum laude”.
When granted Summa cum laude the Board may grant honors by unanimous decision as follows:

  • Special mention (menzione) when the student has passed at least five exams with “30 cum laude” or the score is ≥115/110.
  • Recommendation for Publication(dignità di stampa) when the student is co-author of an accepted or submitted paper related to the experimental thesis.

Thesis deadlines a.y. 2023/2024

Submission of application for graduation

Students have to submit an application for graduation by following the procedure

Please note that students who renounced a thesis session are not automatically enrolled into the next one. It is mandatory to apply again within the deadline for the session you choose

Submission of thesis

Submission of thesis must be done online following the procedure.

Thesis submission confirmation represents a student declaration that the uploaded thesis is approved by thesis supervisor.
The title of the uploaded thesis must be the same of the one on the application already uploaded and signed by thesis supervisor.

In addition, students have to submit the following documents at the link (for the login use your UniTo student credentials, then select the degree session):

  • Abstract in pdf format. Name the file as follows: Last Name_Abstract
  • Thesis in pdf format. Name the file as follows: Last Name_Thesis
  • For request of "Recommendation for Publication" (dignità di stampa) a copy of the accepted paper or a copy of the submission letter, in pdf format

The first two documents are mandatory.


Students who have already applied for the thesis session and intend to renounce are obliged to withdraw the application in the procedure.
If the deadline has already passed, you have to submit a written waiver to the Student Service Office using the Help Desk
Please note that students who renounced a thesis session are not automatically enrolled into the next one. It is mandatory to apply again within the deadline for the session you choose.

Information about graduation day is published on "Bacheca appelli di laurea" (please select Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Molecolari e Scienze per la Salute)

A.Y. 2023/2024

  • July 18th 2024
  • October 17th 2024
  • December 12th 2024
  • March 20th 2025

Previous Academic years

Last update: 19/04/2024 11:32
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