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Immuno-based assays for translational medicine I


Immuno-based assays for translational medicine I


Academic year 2020/2021

Course ID
BIO0163A Pds 307-DDD
Teaching staff
Prof.ssa Federica Cavallo (Lecturer)
Dott.ssa Laura Conti
Modular course
Degree course
[0101M21] Molecular Biotechnology
2nd year
Teaching period
To be defined
Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
MED/04 - patologia generale
Formal authority
Type of examination

Sommario del corso


Course objectives

The main aims of the course are to make the student familiar with:

  1. the major elements of the (natural and) adaptive immune systems (by recalling the knowledge acquired in previous courses of basic immunology);
  1. how these elements can be manipulated in vitro and in vivo, either in the quest for further knowledge of immunity, or for the development of reagents (primarily antibody-based) that can be used for a huge number of application.

The students will learn the technical tools and immune-based approaches currently available to disclose the cellular and molecular mechanisms of human diseases. The topics of the course are interrelated with those covered in the other classes of the Master Program in Molecular Biotechnology, and the knowledge and competences acquired in this course are fundamental for a working career as a biotechnologist.


Results of learning outcomes

Students will acquire an integrated comprehension of the immune system and its mechanisms of action, and of the main immunological techniques used in laboratory practice to study the immune systems and pathologies, with a special focus on those used in the study of cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Moreover, the students will develop both oral and written communication skills that will enable them to discuss a scientific concept.


Course delivery

The material will be uploaded online (Moodle course BIO0163 - IBA - a.a. 2020/21; link: and discussed during online live meetings, where the students are invited to interact with the instructor by posing and answering questions.


Learning assessment methods

The teaching course grade determination consists of the evaluation of three aspects:

  1. Student participation and attention:

The students are invited to interact with the instructor during the lesson by posing and answering questions.

At the end of each lesson, the students take a test with a few easy questions on the topics covered during the lesson.


  1. Student capacity to present and critically analyze a scientific concept:

The students will have to submit (at defined deadlines) short written summaries of the major topics covered in lesson blocks.


  1. Student learning:

At the end of the course the students take a test with multiple-choice questions on the topics covered during the course.


All three activities will concur in the final mark.




HLA structure and function; tumor antigens

T cells

B cells

Antibody generation and structure; monoclonal antibody

Estimation of antibody quantity and quality

Modulation of biological activities by antibodies; antigen immunodetection

Flow cytometry

Isolation of leukocyte populations; assessment of their functional activity

An integrated multi-omics approach for the profiling of solid tumors

Characterization of the tumor microenvironment

Isolation and profiling of tumor cell-released HLA-peptide complexes and of antibody-tumor antigen immunocomplexes

Identification of cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets

Novel immunotherapeutic strategies for cancer prevention and treatment

In vivo models for immunological studies

In vitro vs in vivo models for tumor immunology and immunotherapy

Suggested readings and bibliography


Powerpoint files and scientific articles will be provided.



Le modalità di svolgimento dell'attività didattica potranno subire variazioni in base alle limitazioni imposte dalla crisi sanitaria in corso. In ogni caso è assicurata la modalità a distanza per tutto l'anno accademico

Last update: 21/09/2020 11:43
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