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Academic year 2021/2022
- Course ID
- BIO0120 Pds GEN
- Teaching staff
- Prof. Alberto Bardelli
Prof. Emilio Hirsch
Prof.ssa Valeria Poli - Degree course
- [0101M21] Molecular Biotechnology
- Year
- 2nd year
- Teaching period
- To be defined
- Type
- Elective
- Credits/Recognition
- 4
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- BIO/11 - biologia molecolare
BIO/13 - biologia applicata
BIO/17 - istologia - Delivery
- Formal authority
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Obligatory
- Type of examination
- Written and oral
- Prerequisites
- At least one year of research/experimental work
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Sommario del corso
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Course objectives
This course aims at providing students with theoretical as well as practical knowledge about the scientific method, and about the different modalities of an effective presentation of scientific data and the different forms of communicating it. Moreover, communication forms such as formal correspondence and electronic mail will be considered.
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Results of learning outcomes
At the end of the course students should have learned the rules that govern the different communication forms (i.e. oral, written and graphic), both to communicate their results and to write a research project. Via a practical test, students will have to demonstrate their competence in oral communication (10 minutes power point presentation about their reserch), and poster presentation (preparation of a poster describing their research).
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Course delivery
The course will consist for 75% of platform lectures, and for 25% of practical exercises of oral presentation in front of the class using a ppt format, followed by general discussion highlighting the weaknesses and strengths
- I introduce myself: history and motivations for my studies and future choices.
- Experimental thesis work.
The participation to these sessions is compulsory
- Oggetto:
Learning assessment methods
After the completion of the platform lectures, there will be a practical test as follows:
- powerpoint presentation of own experimental work in front of the class
- production of a poster. This test represents the final exam and participation is mandatory.
The evaluation will take into account the quality of the different essays, and in the case of the oral presentation both slides quality/coherence of the presentation and communication quality will be considered. Scoring will be in 30th, up to 30/30 with laudem.
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Support activities
There is no textbook for this course. Supporting material in the format of electronic pdf text files and online material will be provided.
- Oggetto:
Analysis of scientific methods
Scientific annotation as a means of self-communication
Principles of scientific communication: the public, the purpose, the mean, the context
Principles of scientific dissemination
Oral scientific communication: general rules,techniocal hints, personal attitude
Visual scientific communication: poster drawing and presentation
Written scientific communication: paper writing, grant application
Suggested readings and bibliography
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Le modalità di svolgimento dell'attività didattica potranno subire variazioni in base alle limitazioni imposte dalla crisi sanitaria in corso. In ogni caso è assicurata la modalità a distanza per tutto l'anno accademico
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Moduli didattici
- Scientific communication (1) (BIO0120A Pds GEN)
- Scientific communication (2) (BIO0120B Pds GEN)
- Scientific Communication (3) (BIO0120C Pds GEN)
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